You can make a difference.  Be an active part of FONE by considering a donation that will directly support ongoing projects. 

FONE's focus is the greening of Norfolk through the expansion of its tree canopy. FONE collaborates with local non-profits, civic organizations, businesses, and city partners to execute the planting of native trees throughout the city. Your Membership can help make this goal a reality! Trees help retain soil and stormwater on site, aid in carbon uptake, provide habitat for birds and other wildlife, support clean water and clean air, and reduce food deserts.

FONE proudly supports Norfolk’s Living Legacy Grove Program.

To learn more about the Living Legacy Grove program, please visit the City of Norfolk’s website for more information.


YOU can make a difference in your community! FONE is working to increase the City’s tree canopy - to help absorb and clean on site stormwater and reduce flooding, provide wildlife habitat, improve air and water quality, moderate air temperatures, and beautify our community.


We need YOUR support! You can help protect the city’s green spaces with a donation to FONE. Your support will make a world of difference.

*** 100% of general donations will be used to support ongoing programs and projects. ***